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Ahi USA 50 Series Monofilament Mesh Cast Net, 8′


The Ahi USA 50 Series Monofilament Cast Nets feature vinyl coated steel weights, which make them legal in areas where led weight restrictions are found. The weights are coated with a Ultra Chip Resistant coating protecting them from the elements while in use. Each net Features Premium UBE Chip Monofilament Netting, 3/8″ Square Mesh, 80Ibs test braille lines, and 3/4Ibs of “Actual Steel Weight” per foot of lead line. This entire net comes together and is secures by a heavy-duty anodized swivel that is connected to a 24′ poly rope handline. Each net is packed in a reusable hard plastic rectangular container helping with storage when the net is not in use. Each cast net also comes with Step by Step instructions on how to properly load and throw for optimal use. And lastly, this series of nets has been thoroughly tested against high standards for performance and durability to ensure great quality, something that is a cornerstone for all Ahi cast nets.

In stock

  • Mesh Size: 3/8″ Mono
  • Model: CN-58
  • Net Size: 8′


SKU: 31275 Categories: , ,

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