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The Sporting Shoppe
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The #1 Indoor Range In the Country

Range Rules

Indoor Range Safety Rules at The Sporting Shoppe


  1. By entering the range, you are confirming that you have fully read and agree to all listed rules. Failure to comply may lead to temporary or permanent suspension of membership.
  1. All Federal and State laws are to be followed without exemption.
  1. Federal law states you must be 21 years of age to purchase, sell, rent, loan a handgun or ammunition.
  1. Federal law states that convicted felons are prohibited from owning or using any and all firearms. Convicted felons are prohibited from the range.
  1. State law as of 21 June 2022 bans any high-capacity magazines (over 10 round capacity). To include detachable, internal, and tube magazines. Anyone in the State of Rhode Island has 180 days to comply. On 18 December 2022, all members and guests must be compliant and not be in possession of any high capacity while using the range.
  1. Members must check in with staff at the front desk prior to entry in the range. If accompanied by a guest(s), it is the members responsibility to ensure their guest(s) have signed the Range Waiver. A Property Waiver does not cover the indoor range. Members will ensure their guest(s) compliance with range rules.
  1. Children under 8 years of age are not permitted in the range but can watch safely from the viewing area. All persons between the ages of 8 and 21 must be accompanied in the range by their parent or legal guardian along with a signed waiver of liability from said adult.
  1. Minimum age to shoot in the range is 12 years of age. No exceptions. All children between the ages of 12 to 21 must be accompanied and directly supervised in the shooting booth by a parent or legal guardian ONLY.
  1. Children of members, who are 18 or older will sign their own wavier. If under the age of 21, shooters will be allowed to shoot rifle or shotgun only and must be supervised by another adult over the age of 21.
  1. Children of members, ages 21 and over may shoot in the range un-accompanied if their parents have the family membership. After the age of 26, the guest will be required to purchase their own membership.
  1. Pregnant woman and people subject to seizures are not allowed in the range due to lead exposure, flashing lights and loud noises, respectfully.
  1. No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed in the range.
  1. No forms of food, beverages, gum, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs are permitted in the range. Only water in a sealable container.
  1. Closed toed footwear is required on the range at all times. Socks may be purchased and worn with open toed footwear.
  1. The following types of ammunition are prohibited: tracer/incendiary, armor piercing (steel core), bird shot, buck shot, and black powder.
  1. All steel cased ammo will be checked by the range safety officer. If the bullet tip sticks to a magnet, then there’s a steel core. Unless pulled from the original box which says, “range safe”, you will not be able to use that ammunition.
  1. No loaded magazines are allowed upon entry to the range. If you have a concealed carry pistol permit, all loaded magazines must be on your physical person for your personal protection. Loaded magazines in a range bag are non-compliant. Rifle cartridges and rifle magazines are not covered by a concealed carry pistol permit and must be unloaded.
  1. The on-duty range safety officer has the authority to enforce all listed range rules. The range safety officer also has the right to inspect both firearm and ammunition for compliance.
  1. Anyone displaying unsafe actions on the range or questionable behavior will be asked to comply with the listed range rules. Failure to comply will result in ejection from the range. Members may have access to the range temporarily OR permanently suspended, depending on severity of situation.
  1. Hearing and eye protection must be worn prior to entering the air vault to the range and must remain on at all times while in the range, and upon exit (including the washing area).
  1. All firearms must be cased or in a rental bin prior to entry in the range. No firearms are to be handled behind the firing line. Firearms will be uncased only in the booth, in front of the firing line.
  1. Firearms stay in the booths pointed down range, ammunition source removed, action open and facing up when not in use. No exchanging firearms between booths. No loaded firearms will be placed on the table.
  1. If you want to move your firearm to another lane, ask the range safety officer for assistance.
  1. Shooting from the hip is prohibited.
  1. Firearms must have some form of sights to be utilized in the range. If zeroing over 33-yards is desired, a marking shot must be seen on paper prior to moving to the long range. Range officers are not required to help you zero your firearm.
  1. In case of misfire or hang fire, keep firearm pointed down range, remove finger from trigger, remove ammunition source, safe and clear firearm. If unsure or unable to clear the malfunction, safely lay firearm down pointing downrange and report to the range safety officer. No other members or guests are to assist you. Only Sporting Shoppe staff to include range safety officers, Preserve Academy Instructors, or the armorer are allowed to assist to clear malfunctions on the range. Do not remove firearm from booth.
  1. A ceasefire can be called at any time by anyone if safety has been compromised. Upon command “Cease Fire” – stop shooting, safe and clear firearms. Once cleared leave firearms with the action open facing up on the table and then step behind the firing line and await further instructions from the range safety officer.
  1. Cleaning firearms on the range is prohibited. A cleaning area has been designated in the rental area and the armorer is there to assist you should you have questions. Use personal cleaning kits, the Sporting Shoppe will not provide cleaning materials.
  1. When exiting the range, we recommend washing hands prior to departing to minimize lead and carbon exposure.
  1. Failure to adhere to the rules at the Range at the Preserve may lead to loss of shooting privileges and/or removal from the range.
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