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Hygenall Lead Off Shooting Sports Safety Wipes


Toxic heavy metals like lead oxide, mercury, cadmium, and others are present in many everyday products and on surfaces found in your home, school, workplace or even in the soil of your own back yard. These toxic compounds can place the health and well being of your family at risk! Regular soap and hand sanitizers have been found to be ineffective when removing lead or heavy metals and may in some cases aid the absorption of heavy metals into your body! When used regularly Hygenall removes lead and other heavy metals that may have accumulated on the skin’s surface.

At the range or in the woods, make Hygenall a part of your essential gear! Anytime you discharge a firearm you’re exposed to toxic heavy metals that can be transferred objects, foods, or even loved ones. Hygenall traps toxic metals dirt and germs to remove them from your skin. Just enjoy your sport, use Hygenall as directed, rinse, and have the peace of mind that you and your family are safe from toxic exposure.

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Hygenall Lead Off Shooting Sports Safety Wipes, 5 Pack

Hygenall Lead Off LR5005HMC
Shooting Sports Safety Wipes
5 Pack of Individually Wrapped Wipes
Wipe Size 5″x8″
Removes lead, dirt, germs and other toxic heavy metals
Breaks the electromagnetic bond between skin and lead
For hands, arms, face, neck and any other exposed skin
Use after discharging firearms, reloading, handling lead ammo

SKU: 15809 Category:

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