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Hoppe’s BoreSnake Viper


Hoppes designs its products to satisfy the shooter that requires total confidence that his gun will perform precisely and accurately, time after time. Hoppes BoreSnake Viper is the fastest bore cleaner on the planet. One pass loosens large particles, scrubs out the remaining residue with a bronze brush, then swabs it all spotless with a cleaning area 160x larger than a standard patch.

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Hoppe’s Boresnake Viper Bore Cleaner 20GA

Manufacturer Number: 24033V
20 Gauge Shotgun Barrel Cleaner
Brass weight on the pull cord is stamped with size
50% more brush cleaning power than the BoreSnake
Cone shaped bore guide on the leading end
Nylon cord attached directly to the bronze scrubbing brush
Lubrication zone

SKU: 10617 Categories: ,

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