Carlson’s 12 Ga Browning Inv
Flush mount, stainless steel tubes available for the many shotguns using the popular Win-Choke thread size and standard Tru-Chokes, plus Remington, Beretta/Benelli, Browning Invector Plus, and Mossberg 835 Ultra Mag. These tubes can be used with magnum and steel shot loads. Tru™-Choke Thinwall tubes are recommended for 2¾” Lead Shot loads ONLY. All X-Full and Turkey constrictions are for use with Lead and Hevi-Shot ONLY!
Carlson’s 12 Ga Browning Invector Plus Full Choke
Carlson’s Flush Full Choke Tube
Fits Browning Invector Plus 12 Gauge
.710 Constriction
Remington Flush Mount Replacement Stainless Choke Tubes
Manufactured from 17-4 heat treated stainless steel
These chokes may be used with lead shot on any constrictions
The #1 Indoor Range In the Country